1800 87 7061 (Malaysia Toll Free) +603 2780 3880 (KL)
SMS Illegal Content ProhibitionAny illegal use of the SMS service is strictly prohibited, in the form of text messages (or images) containing any sexual, racist or discriminatory content and any such usage may be considered as harassment to an individual or an organisation. It is not appropriate to make or send illegal sms texts. Malaysia Government does not condone such behaviour and any illegal SMS found by iSMS will be reported to the authorities. Making or sending overtly sexual material is illegal. Similar to other broadcast media, content directed through telecommunication devices may raise a legal liability claim under applicable Malaysian Laws. Content that may be classified as illegal content such as:
is prohibited, and classified. All SMSes sent via iSMS will go through filters which the iSMS team has set up in the SMS gateway. Our send sms online system will then notify you if the SMS content is considered invalid, all SMS will be undelivered and your iSMS account will be suspended immediately. NOTE: SMS credits will still be deducted despite undelivered SMS. Contact MobiWeb If you would like to have questions or suggestions regarding our illegal SMS issues, please call or e-mail us at: